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Autograph Cards for Your Charlie Hudson Books
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Want an Autograph?

There’s something extra special about having a book inscribed or autographed ­ particularly if you’re giving the book as a present. If you already have one of Charlie’s books, or are planning to buy one, just fill out the box below and a card will be mailed to the address requested. The card will bear either a standard “Please enjoy!” or a specific inscription. Charlie will sign the card and date the card with the month and year.

The card will have an adhesive back that can be affixed to the inside cover of the book. There is no cost for the card and requests are usually filled with two weeks. It’s easy and free!

Request for Autograph/Inscription

Please fill in all fields.

First name or nickname if preferred
If you'd like a special inscription, fill in a line or two or explain the relationship and a little about the person. (For example, it’s a book that you’re giving to your sister and she travels a lot in her job.)
Your Email
Enter the author's last name (required to prevent spam submmissions)

Mail Autograph Card To:
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